Friday, March 10, 2006

changes and tradition

She keeps on surviving folks, way to go Sally!! It's just all so very exciting.

Had the day off yesterday, the weather was fabulous, Cassie and I ventured to the revamped moose and sadies to try out their breakfast, which was very good. It is bittersweet going back there, it's like an entirely new place. We all spent so much time there and have so many memories...ah well, we have to roll the changes I guess, that and the demise of Nicki's, I sure miss that Lester. After M+S we headed to the Walker to take in some free Thursday art, turns out it is no longer free Thursday until after 5 p.m., how lame is that? So after watching a couple funny short video's in the lobby we went to the Art Institute to check out Ruth Duckworth's exhibit. A guided tour was just starting when we got there so we joined in, complete with a couple who were trying to be pretentious artists but weren't succeeding very well. The exhibit was very good though, she seems like a really neat lady. Then I had my meeting with the admissions rep at the Culinary arts school. Depending on how financial aid works out, I think I may enroll, by next summer I could be a pastry chef. There is a lot to work out though, I don't know if I can get any more student loans since my credit is shot to hell, so we'll see, but I'm actually pretty excited, I think it is something I would enjoy and be good at.

First Ave. tonight with Cassie to see Stereolab, should be a good time, perhaps a tasty rollerdog will be in order after the show as is tradition.

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