Sunday, November 20, 2005


So there's a rotting pumpkin on our mantle from Halloween, which was once a lovely vision of carved fruit? vegetable? I guess I'm not sure what a pumpkin is...anyways, it has slowly but surely been transforming itself into an aromatic blob, due to dear Betsy's messy nature, well, and I guess I haven't cared enough to throw it out either. If it is still there when I get back from my sibling bonding time I will likely be disgusted enough to take matters into my own hands.

So thanks to Jenni and her generous lending of her laptop (thanks Jenni!) this is my first post from my local shop, where it is crowded, but no crush in sight....sigh.

My weekend was a decent mix of high productivity and sheer laziness. I'm really not looking forward to driving all night tues. night, I plan on making my brother drive through the mountainous parts and I'll stick to the easy stuff like Nebraska.

I'm wondering if my ol' friend Sally is still alive (MS flava, perhaps you can answer this for me) if so a text would be nice, or a phone call even better.

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