Wednesday, January 12, 2005

all they talk about is love

I'm listening to coldplay, and I remember my brother making the comment that they are allright, but all they sing about is love. Well, clearly, its a pretty major theme. I don't ponder love as often as I should I think, mostly I think about myself, and where my love is coming from, who's validating me, who is showing they care. Obviously a somewhat selfish way of thinking, if I think about love and myself I should be finding things to love and accept about me, so that I don't suck others dry of needing their love, so I can love others in a real way. Then there is the issue of my spirituality, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, that whole bit, the unfathomable love, the kind we are lucky to get a glimpse of and truly experience. I can see why a lot of christians like to keep it pretty simple (and this would be me making generalizations and judgements about a group of people), but anyways I'm thinking of the folks who don't drink, smoke, have premarital sex, aren't gay, refrain from listening to secular music or watch R movies, and question everyone else's faith that do or are those things. They find a nice church, perhaps in the 'burbs, get involved somehow, the hospitality team, leading worship, childcare, helping with the youth group, whatever their spiritual gift leads them to do, they are part of the community, they are doing something to further spread the gospel, might even venture downtown and hand out some tracts, talk to that homeless guy and feel they might have planted a seed for his salvation. So what if they can't admit to the person next to them that they like the Stones (especially "paint it black"), that instead of fast forwarding through a sex scene in a movie they found it funny or beautiful or accurate, that they've lusted after the pastor or his wife or maybe both, had a few beers and a pack of smokes the night before with some buddies, that they really have little idea what's going on in the world simply because they are a human, what they do know is they want some love and understanding from other humans.
I accepted Jesus into my heart back when I was in sixth grade I think, I went to some summer bible deal with a friend of mine. I don't remember going to church with my family after the age of about five. My best friend growing up was involved in church, the same church I accepted christ in, so I started going with her more frequently, got involved with youth group, went on missions trips that whole thing, then proceeded onto private Christian college. I really had a great youth pastor in high school, he wasn't afraid to throw out some really tough questions. I had that experience in college, the other students and administration were tough to deal with sometimes, but there are professors there that aren't afraid to question and challenge. I found a niche there, friends to be real with, a church where the pastors will join you for some drinks after, who you can bum a couple smokes from, and talk to. But then there is all that thinking, the more you think about things the less you know, the more you realize the state of the world the more clear it becomes that you are doing jack, the more you think about love, the more you realize you are going about it all wrong, and that there are no easy ways of figuring out the right.

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