Thursday, January 13, 2005


Since I posted my religious rantings yesterday, you all should know that since I moved to my new apartment I have drank beer every day, beer makes me happy, and not just beer, wine too. I'm not opposed to hard liquor either, I just don't drink it that much, get a red bull and vodka in me and I go crazy. I smoke every day too, yes, I can call myself "a smoker" generally 2-3 packs a week, so its not like a pack a day or anything, I don't have to take smoke breaks at work or anything. Last night Olivia and I had a few beers and I started talking to the chili I made, accusing it of trying to pass itself off as chili when really it was more like a hotdish. I'm not sure if talking to food is an indication of a problem, but at this point in my life I'm okay with it, at least I'm not having sex right now.

I also want to clear up that I despise the phrase, "accepting Jesus into your heart".

Onto learning...since I started tutoring recently I was thinking about how kids learn, how do teachers teach, what happens in the brain to make things start to make sense. I tried to remember learning as a kid, and I don't, that's the thing, it just happened. I don't remember when letters became sounds became words and sentences and books. Or how the numbers add, subract, multiply, and divide, how eventually that basic knowledge allowed me to do geometry, algebra, a little physics. It all just got absorbed somehow, and I don't think much has changed. I look back and see things that I learned, that changed me that I didn't see at the time, it just got absorbed, the brain flipped a switch and it made sense. I guess it's kind of that you won't change until your ready type thing, but I'm afraid that is my excuse, I'm twiddling my thumbs, waiting to be ready...

1 comment:

Raineydays said...

OMG, when I moved into my apt a yea ago I drank beer everyday too. Well almost everyday. But watch out I gained like 10lbs and its the hardest 10lbs to lose.