Tuesday, January 11, 2005

anticipating the subzero

the forecast says it will be -5 degrees for a high on friday, the low is a balmy -18 degrees, looks about the same on Sat, and that is w/o windchill. If I can help it, I will hibernate as much as possible Sat. unfortunately I have to work on friday, here's to hoping my car starts. I seemed to remember from years past that we in MN have one really cold snap in winter, at least in the southern part, but my memory must be fooling me, only allowing the good things to remain. Oh, and looks like we can expect some freezing rain and snow, hooray! At least thursday the expected high went from -1 to 3 above.

Last night's bachelorette was pretty good, I roped Olvia into watching it with me. 2 hours is a little long when the only thing we really wanted to see was the guy passing out during the rose ceremony. Kentucky guy was hilarious, she should have kept him around at least for the drunken antics.

I accidentally set my clock an hour ahead this morning so I was all ready to go to work and realized I was way early, so I went to get some coffee, quite nice, I'm thinking about doing that more often if I can actually get out of bed, it is a nice start to the day.

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