Thursday, April 14, 2005

so I figured it out

My car didn't have heat because there was no antifreeze, I first noticed the heat issue at least a month ago, and when I drove home for easter a couple weeks ago it was working intermittently. So thats at least a solid 2 weeks that my car has been driven w/o antifreeze cuz I (actually a nice man at the gas station) put some in last week when I drove my mom home, probably the cause for it almost not starting. I know the dangers of driving an overheating car b/c I ruined my Dad's car that way in HS, lets just say I drove the car with billowing steam escaping from the hood on more than one occasion. I don't think it needs to be said that my father was unhappy about that, yelling about how red=danger, not to mention he told me what to do about it but I was too lazy or too much in a hurry to do what I was supposed to. So now I'm kind of freaked out that I wrecked my car, it seems to be running okay now, and the heat is working again, fancy that! You would think one would have thought to check that out when I first noticed the problem, but no, I just went on my merry way. Smart, real smart.

Okay, for real this time I'm jogging this weekend, maybe even friday.

I watched Closer the other day, an uplifting film about love and betrayal. It was good though. Betrayal, always a good time, more nicely referred to as a "learning experience", or an "opportunity for personal growth".

I love the show Felicity, if only I had the WE channel I could watch it daily at 6, but at least I can get it from Netflix.

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