Friday, June 03, 2005

unnecessary expenditures

Talked to my father yesterday, did in fact get the "well, what do you do with all your moncy?" question, something I'd like to ask him as well. He agreed to help me out by paying a chunk of $300, then the rest is up to me. Still seems unfair considering he's the one that failed to make payment and I was completely unknowing of that situation. I'm okay with taking over the loan (since it was ridiculous of me to think he'd want to help me pay for my education), but don't feel I should be responsible for the back payments, but whatever. I'm still somewhat angry, he acts like he's destitute when in fact I'm fairly certain that is not the case. Okay, I'm getting over it really, I was really in a bad mood last night, today I'm much better. Like I've said before, I dig myself out of one hole and step into another when it comes to finances. Well, I'll just try to work more, I can get overtime this week so I'll do that. My big concern is going to California in a couple months. I need to go. Ah well, I always find a way. Bingo, that's the ticket.

It is interesting to see what people google to get to this site....I almost went off yesterday about the person who seems to have nothing better to do than keep tabs on my friend on this blog, I was not in the mood for that shit yesterday. Clearly there is much to judge regarding lifestyle, being a great friend, generous, accepting, uplifting to name just a few (note my sarcasm). Apparently that isn't what matters to some people.

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