Friday, February 03, 2006


Dearest Olivia is staying in Vienna, this is happy, yet sad b/c I was looking forward to possible reunification. Someday though, someday.

I'm happy because Sally did not get kicked off survivor on the first show, her tribe did very well, and I was amused at her lack of concern for the dead turtle. I've got hope for them pancakes.

Yet I'm sad because I just learned the the only bar I've been to in Boston closed or is closing soon, The Littlest Bar, where I spent 2 of the only 3 hours that I've ever spent in Boston last winter. A tiny place with good people. I had a dog on my lap, met a man who picked up Jesus posing as a hitchhiker, and was well taken care of, don't think I paid for nary a pint, but left with a sufficient buzz to face the bitter cold. It was a pub I know my friends would love and had hoped that on the roadtrip that we will actually take someday, we could've stopped there. Ah well.

Sad that my car is dead, but happy that Kevin is going to fix it for me.

I've got good pals, that makes me happy.

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