Monday, March 21, 2005


I just signed up for netflix, they have all four seasons of Felicity. Olivia thinks she hates TV, but I know she will succumb to the charms of Felicity. I'm so excited.

I went to a tastefully simple party yesterday and ate a lot, then went to church and ate lots of cake. I feel a bit large today. Finally springlike temps have arrived, well, it was about 30 degrees this morning and I didn't need to wear my coat. A good thing since the heat stopped working in my car the other day. I could in theory go for a jog to combat my fat intake from the weekend, I'm pretty sure that will not happen.

My family has not called me about plans for Easter, I think they may be rejecting me this year. Oh well, at least I have Jesus.

My ex-roomate didn't call me, but if I go home this weekend I will likely drop off her stuff.

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