Friday, May 27, 2005


Sally is leaving for Cali next week for a couple months, so we are going to party it up tonight, start out with a Wondrous Punch at the RD, end up at first ave at some point. I will miss my dear friend that is willing to venture forth into the great city of Mpls with me (although we just go to our old faves), ponder life and love, and watch SATC. Although I believe this summer will be well spent on "me" time, connect with myself time so to speak.

Olivia has asked me to be her date for a wedding this weekend and we are going to camp, and participate in fun farm activities, culminating in a barn dance (or Hoe-down as like to think of it) Pa with the fiddle, square dancing, the shy overall clad farm boys being wallflowers with straw hanging out the mouth. Neither Olivia or myself generally camp much, so it will be an adventure. Cassie is the camper of the group, she usually bosses us around, and we just do her bidding for her, whereas Olivia and I are unorganized, yet we are quick witted, we'll be fine. Monday will be the commencement of our 2nd semi-annual memorial day party, which may draw a crowd of about five.

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