Thursday, February 17, 2005

awareness-of the self variety

I hear people talk... think to myself, do you hear yourself exaggerating everything all the time, and when you do that I have a hard time taking anything you say at face value...Do you realize that you can listen to someone tell a story without immediately having to interject something about yourself just so you can hear yourself talk, do you even see how rude that is... Has it entered your mind that this is the second or possibly third time that you have told me the exact same thing probably in exactly the same wording and I also had to sit through you repeating it to anyone else who comes into contact with you...That either you have some fucked up sense of time, the worst memory, or are plainly a liar... or Excuse me, you just, in the most arrogant and pretentious manner I can think of, accused someone of being arrogant and pretentious.

I don't know how self aware I am, I want to know if people look at me, listen to me and think...uh, hello, doesn't she realize how glaring this flaw is and she just goes about her business as though things are normal, as though she doesn't even realize it, the nerve of that woman! Well, what if there are things that I do that are just, basically, stupid, and I have absolutely no idea because I'm too close to myself to see it. If you're lucky, to the people that love you it just becomes an endearing quirk that they accept and find moderately annoying sometimes. But, christ, that takes some time.

A "friend" of mine ( in quotes cause I still don't know how I feel about this person) once told me that I have no self awareness. True maybe, but neither do you that I recall.

It would be cool to observe myself outside myself.

I'm going on a double date of sorts tonight, with my coworker and her new love interest, who happens to be from the Dominican Republic, which is cool cause I love that place, and his friend, also Latin. Could be interesting, maybe we'll go dancing later.


S'dizzle said...

That is true, I'm mostly struggling with seeing how I make judgements on others and trying to turn it around and look at myself and what I need to change, so that I can reach the point of being comfortable being myself.

Raineydays said...

I have a tendency to interrupt. Mostly because I'm so excited about what your saying that I want to agree with you mid-sentence.

But people who don't know me prolly don't think thats why I'm interrupting. Pff.